Study of Genetic Mutations in, DRD2, GABRG3ADH1B3, ALDH, ADH1B2, CHRNA5, CHRNA3, CHRNA6, Genes to Induce Alcoholism Syndrome

Author Details

Shahin Asadi, Hamideh Mohammadzadeh, Manoush Tohidirad, Mahsa Jamali

Journal Details


Published: 17 January 2017 | Article Type :


In this study we have analyzed 220 people. 100 patients Alcoholism disease and 120 persons control group. The genes DRD2, GABRG3ADH1B3, ALDH, ADH1B2, CHRNA5, CHRNA3, CHRNA6, analyzed in terms of genetic mutations made. In this study, people who have genetic mutations were targeted, with nervous disorders and Alcoholism disease. In fact, of all people with Alcoholism disease.100 patients Alcoholism disease had a genetic mutations in the genes DRD2, GABRG3ADH1B3, ALDH, ADH1B2, CHRNA5, CHRNA3, CHRNA6 Alcoholism disease. Any genetic mutations in the target genes control group, did not show.

Keywords: Genetic study, Alcoholism disease, Mutations The genes DRD2, GABRG3ADH1B3, ALDH, ADH1B2, CHRNA5, CHRNA3, CHRNA6, RT-PCR.

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Shahin Asadi, Hamideh Mohammadzadeh, Manoush Tohidirad, Mahsa Jamali. (2017-01-17). "Study of Genetic Mutations in, DRD2, GABRG3ADH1B3, ALDH, ADH1B2, CHRNA5, CHRNA3, CHRNA6, Genes to Induce Alcoholism Syndrome." *Volume 1*, 1, 9-15